Jetta Part Wizard Beta Test

Jetta Part Number Wizard Beta Test

At Jetta we are proud of our 40 Year Legacy. 

With a 40 year celebration, comes 40 years of traditions, and also 40 years of part numbers. We've heard you, when you said our part numbers need to be simplified.

We have built a tool to help you quickly select a bathtub and configure it to your customers needs easily to generate a PO friendly Part Number and we are inviting you to beta test this with us! 

This tool was created as a spreadsheet, with no macros or other potentially harmful code, so it's going to function very simply. If this concept proves to be helpful to you, we hope to improve it for you over time to be used in other ways!  Please send feedback to 

Click above to download a beta version of our Part Wizard


Jetta part numbers were originally built by internal staff 40 years ago based on the logic and ability of our software platforms, which were designed more for engineers and less for customers!  We are committed to find ways to make it easier for our partners to order, and for now we hope you find this tool helpful!  Thank you for being a Jetta Partner!