A Legacy of Exceptional Service

A Legacy of Exceptional Service

A Legacy of Exceptional Service

Honoring the Retirement of a Beloved Team Member


Written by Sarah Fields, CEO

In the fast-paced world of business, where customer interactions can often be fleeting, it's truly a remarkable feat when a customer service representative manages to create a lasting impact. We recently gathered to celebrate the retirement of one such remarkable individual, Lea Sevier. Lea has had such a positive influence on both customers and colleagues alike. It was with gratitude that both our team members and customers bid farewell to a beloved long-term Jetta team member whose dedication and empathy have left an indelible mark on our organization.

A Legacy of Personalized Care

For over 17 years, Lea has been the face and voice of our customer service team. Known for her kind words and helpful attitude, she has gone above and beyond to make each customer interaction a memorable one. Customers have consistently said, “We love Lea.” Lea didn't just assist customers; she formed connections, and her impact on our customers' lives cannot be overstated. She developed a unique ability to make each customer feel valued and recognized.

Her genuine interest in a customer's story and bathing needs went far beyond business transactions, creating a sense of loyalty that is truly rare.  If you are a customer of Jetta’s then you know what I am talking about! Upon the announcement of Lea’s retirement, we were flooded with well wishes and testimonies from customers reflecting on their personal experiences with Lea.  It was truly wonderful and inspirational for all of us to hear about the important role she has played. 

As Lea embarks on a new chapter in her life, we acknowledge the impact she has made in shaping Jetta culture. Her dedication, kindness, and unwavering commitment to excellence have set a standard that will continue to guide our team in the years to come. While she will be dearly missed, her legacy will serve as a reminder of the transformative power of exceptional customer service.

Setting the Standard Going Forward

While bidding farewell is bittersweet, our outstanding team is committed to carrying forward her legacy, ensuring that each customer continues to receive the same level of personalized care and attention that she provided. As we embrace the future, we do so with gratitude for the path she has paved and excitement for the continued positive impact we will create for our customers.

The retirement of Lea marks the end of an era but also signals the start of a new phase for our customer service journey. We celebrate her dedication, compassion, and the profound connections she forged with our customers. As we move forward, we are inspired by her example and motivated to uphold the high standards she set. The impact she had on both our customers and our team will continue to resonate for years to come.