Content Resources

Content Resources

Content Resources

Compelling visuals can have an enormous impact on the success of your online channels. Images help to grow traffic, clicks, and conversions.  Use any copy or images from our website to help generate your social media content. Our inspiration page includes designer and home builder installations of Jetta bathtubs. Our Bathtub Buyer's Guide is rich with newsletter content, and you can borrow any of our content on social media to share or create your own post.






Here are a few sample posts from Jetta's own Facebook and Instagram pages. You are invited to make it your own!  Encourage your local market to make a showroom appointment today!


Freestanding Inspiration  

PRO TIP: Every Jetta product has a carousel of images.  You can right-click to download any image.  Use the website search bar to locate a product by name or item number!